September, 2008
Borut Savski's metaphoric objects Bowlfulls of Sound found its (back-) way to Ars Electronica festival - as a part of artworks and concepts presented at Kapelica gallery Ljubljana during the last 15 years. It was exhibited during 4th to 9th October at the Lentos Museum in Linz / Austria.
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June, 2008
Projekt Bratstvo in enotnost je uvrscen v skupinsko razstavo Land of Human Rights, ki bo v galeriji < rotor > v avstrijskem Grazu. Otvoritev razstave bo v petek, 27. 6. 2008 ob 20.00 h. Razstava bo na ogled do 13. 9. 2008. Vabljeni!
Umetniki: Jiri Cernicky (Praga), Katharina Gruzei (Linz), Helmut & Johanna Kandl (Dunaj), Eleonore de Montesquiou (Berlin / Tallin), Marija Mojca Pungercar (Ljubljana), REINIGUNGSGESELLSCHAFT (Dresden), Josef Schützenhöfer (Pollau, Steiermark), Artur Zmijewski (Varsava).
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