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September, 2008

Borut Savski at Ars Electronica

Borut Savski’s metaphoric objects Bowlfulls of Sound found its (back-) way to Ars Electronica festival – as a part of artworks and concepts presented at Kapelica gallery Ljubljana during the last 15 years. It was exhibited during 4th to 9th October at the Lentos Museum in Linz / Austria.
Bowlfuls of Sound is the name of two moving spherical objects – bowls – made in late 2005. They have simple motorics and a little bit more complex sensorics. The are susceptible to the sound they hear and they also produce the sound. This is why the bowls are full of sound. They can potentially sense each other (infrared sensor) and then they change direction. This should allow for the bowls to slowly zigzag closer to each other, but this is not an interest to us – as for the bowls itself this may be defined as a motive. May one bowl therefore be male and the other female. A simple autoreferential algorithmics produces / gives birth to a kind of autonomy – let’s call it life.

Borut Savski

Novičnik za samozaposlene v kulturi je na Ministrstvo za kulturo poslal pobudo o uskladitvi dnevnega nadomestila za čas zadržanosti od dela zaradi bolezni ter predloge za izboljšavo dnevnega nadomestila v korist samozaposlenih v kulturi.
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Novičnik za samozaposlene v kulturi je na Ministrstvo za kulturo poslal pobudo o uskladitvi dnevnega nadomestila za čas zadržanosti od dela zaradi bolezni ter predloge za izboljšavo dnevnega nadomestila v korist samozaposlenih v kulturi.
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logo-majPreberite si odgovore na pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o Novičniku, oglejte si primerek kazala in se prepričajte, kako so naročniki zadovoljni z Novičnikom!
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    Trivia Records Zapisi

    • Summer Songs, drugi projekt dua The Silent Movies, je umetniško okolje, sestavljeno iz vrste virov vizualnih, zvočnih in verbalnih informacij, ki so med seboj odvisni. Deluje kot neskončen koncert, na katerem video instalacija, sestavljena iz serije nedavnih nemih filmov Francisca Tomsicha, zagotavlja grobo gradivo, rdeče niti in digitalne podatke zvočnemu ekosistemu Boruta Savskega..
    • Lately i am acquiring some finger dexterity again. The victims are some relatively newly developed instruments (turboguitars, turboflutes and cirkulinos). Here is a selection of cutouts from various live situations - mostly as parts of Cirkulacija 2 program - from 2020 onwards.
    • Celjska interdisciplinarna impro zasedba s projektnim imenom Umoblodnica v sestavi: Iva Tratnik, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Estela Žutić, Simon Macuh, Dalibor Bori Zupančič, Borut Peternelj – Amper-o-mat. Posnetek nastopa 20. maja 2021 Cirkulaciji 2 | podhod Ajdovščina.
    • Generative algorithmic composition excerpts based on realtime video data for Francisco Tomsich "ELEGIJA | ELEGY" video installation presented from 10th to 21st July 2020 at Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana Slovenia. Elegija (Elegy) is a mournful song performed by ensemble of video installations, sculptures and sound installation – made specifically for Cirkulacija 2 premises in Ajdovščina subway.
    • Field recordings in air and water during the Cirkulacija 2 visit in Finland. The place of rest and contemplation was at Future Lake near Helsinki and the performance place was on Merikerho club/ ship in Helsinki harbor. Boštjan Leskovšek was using the underwater recordings as his instrument. Here it is as separate album.