Cirkulacija 2 programmes
15. Dec. 2013
TURBOREBOP aggregator
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Summer Songs, the second project of The Silent Movies duo, is an artistic environment comprising a series of sources of visual, sound and verbal information mutually dependent on each other. It functions as an never-ending concert, in which a video installation composed by a series of recent silent films made by Francisco Tomsich provide rough material, red threads and digital data to a sound ecosystem developed by Borut Savski.
Interdisciplinary impro group from Celje Slovenia with the project name Umoblodnica (Iva Tratnik, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Estela Žutić, Simon Macuh, Dalibor Bori Zupančič, Amper-o-mat). A recording of the performance on May 20, 2021 Circulacija 2 | underpass Ajdovščina Ljubljana.
Generative algorithmic composition excerpts based on realtime video data for Francisco Tomsich "ELEGIJA | ELEGY" video installation presented from 10th to 21st July 2020 at Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana Slovenia. Elegija (Elegy) is a mournful song performed by ensemble of video installations, sculptures and sound installation – made specifically for Cirkulacija 2 premises in Ajdovščina subway.
A recording of Cirkulacija 2 (Stefan Doepner, Boštjan Leskovšek, Borut Savski) performance at Merikerho club Helsinki Finland on 20th October 2018. Visit was part of two-way exchange between Ljubljana and Helsinki (Cirkulacija 2 and Koelse = Association of experimental electronics – Kokeellisen Elektroniikan Seura)
Lately i am acquiring some finger dexterity again. The victims are some relatively newly developed instruments (turboguitars, turboflutes and cirkulinos). Here is a selection of cutouts from various live situations - mostly as parts of Cirkulacija 2 program - from 2020 onwards.
Field recordings in air and water during the Cirkulacija 2 visit in Finland. The place of rest and contemplation was at Future Lake near Helsinki and the performance place was on Merikerho club/ ship in Helsinki harbor. Boštjan Leskovšek was using the underwater recordings as his instrument. Here it is as separate album.
Moške sodobne različice vokaliziranja so izven gostilne ali cerkve (formatiranih oblik pevskih zborov) redke. Na pobudo Košnika, ob neposrednem nedavnem vzoru Tomažinke, je nastala ideja za uporabo glasu kot izhodišče in elektroakustične prijeme kot berglo za tri zvočne raziskave.
Vrhunec performativnega segmenta Klima Dekadenca, v katerem so sodelujoči poprimjeli za instrumente in odigrali pravi koncert! Predvideni naslovi: Nedekadentni koncert, Trije teddybearji in miss Biggy, Trije dandybearji in kraljica Avi. Koncert je potekal pod taktirko Mikea Hentza, že drugič gostujočega v projektih Cirkulacije 2.
Double-bill/ triple action. On the occasion of Mike Hentz's Mental Landscapes lecture at Cirkulacija 2 - a concert occurred: Javier Areal Vélez – Argentinian composer and guitar improviser claiming to be open to any kind of participation visited C2. He was joined by the two local strummers: Leskovšek and Savski.
In 2010 Bogdana Herman and Borut Savski initiated the "Newly composed folk songs" project which resulted in seven public appearances and a compilation cd. In 2016 we started a new round of Slovene new-folk songs. First results are here ...
Theremidi Orchestra was founded after a three-day theremin workshop at Ljudmila in May 2011. The hands-on electro noise ensemble exists in the present continuous, but refers also to the history of electronic music, while the number of members varies from eight to ten, sometimes even twelve. A selection of some performances and sessions.
May 7th 2009: Cirkulacija 2 crew appeared at Radio Student’s celebration of the 40th birthday (XL) that took place for a week at Kapelica Gallery in Ljubljana - with participation by Radio Helsinki Graz/ Austria.
V gosteh v C2 je bil John Duncan, eden temeljnih sodobnih radikalnih umetnikov zadnjih štirideset let. Z Duncanom smo v veliki dvorani Cirkulacije 2 v treh dneh pripravili kvadrofonsko situacijo v kateri smo se zvrstili vsi sodelujoči. Domači sodelujoči: Iva Tratnik, Stefan Doepner, Boštjan Leskovšek in Borut Savski.
Sound from Squares is a triple album by Dušan Zidar (akka Spiro Mason) - an experiment in the field of sound as percieved by a "visual" person. He checks out the the immanence of sound of a digital representation of image (a photo) when translated to its sound representation.
The Desert of the Real is a new concept by Bostjan Leskovsek, in which he uses sounds produced by our everyday machines - the kitchen, toilette, etc. The author focuses on alienating effect that comes with recontextualization - the fact that only then we "see", "hear".
Selection of sound recordings by expanded crew of Cirkulacija 2 initiative at the new music festival Sajeta 2010 (Tolmin/ Slovenia). This was the second of the three yearly compressed public events by Cirkulacija 2.
Bride's harp is an intermediate result of a couple of years long collaboration in the field of multimedia/ intermedia performative approach called "the social sculpture" of the Uzvočevalci/ Inaudionicks (?) (Bogdana Herman, Zvonka T Simčič, Borut Savski, Franc Cegnar, Miha Tomšič). Silvana Paletti joined in lately. In 2012 the Bride's harp was performed twice: at the St. Ann church in Žlebe/ Medvode and at St. George chappel at Ljubljana castle.
Recordings from two improvised live audio-visual performances ny Etnobanda in the year 2008 (both in Slovenija: SKUC gallery / Ljubljana and multimedia center Kibla / Maribor). Etnobanda was after that disbanded.
Interdisciplinarna postaja Cirkulacija 2 je že drugo leto sodelovala na festivalu Sajeta pri Tolminu, kjer je postavila tehnološki tabor in v sodelovanju z vokalistko Bogdano Herman izvedla tudi koncert.
A set of recordings from various events in the framework of Cirkulacija 2 "Total Art Platform" project in the year of 2012. Basic pivot was a week long event in Zagreb - Močvara gallery (co-production: Kontejner), with the addition of a couple of one-day events called Social Noise Sessions with international colleagues - spread over the year.
Two solo live performances by Nova deViator (akka Luka Princic) from the XL experiment events by Radio Student Ljubljana that took place from May, 3rd to 9th, 2009 at Kapelica gallery Ljubljana.
Zbirka živih posnetkov s treh improviziranih nastopov projektne skupine Etnobanda (Bogdana Herman, Milena Kosec, Stefan Doepner in Borut Savski) v letu 2007. Glasba na cedeju stilsko odpira nov prostor - t.i. novo ljudsko zvočnost, hkrati pa uvaja še en nov pojem - paralelizem namesto serialnosti.
Sets of recordings from two evening sessions at Cirkulacija 2 place at Rog in early spring of 2011. Other recordings from the Spring series are part of the 2011 series of projects entitled Urbi et Orbi, denoting the Cirkulacija 2 public interventions on the level of sound and visuals. Some additional footages are from Autumn 2011 participation at MFRU_Kiblix festival in Maribor.
Produced by Boštjan Leskovšek ROR during the events of Cirkulacija 2 in 2010.
Solos & Duos is a collection of soundtracks mostly performed live on different occasions and in various places. The basic (aesthetic) decision for this collection is that the tracks should mostly be clean and conceptually clear.
Problemloss was a project group from 2006 by authors Matjaž Manček, Luka Prinčič and Borut Savski. This is a selection from performances in Dobbia/Monfalcone/Italy, Vienna/Austria, Berlin/Germany, Graz/Austria and Ljubljana/Slovenia.
Bandura Kejti in Ti is a solo album by Milan Kristl. Instruments used: Bandura and kalimba. Produced in 2003 and 2004.
Produced in the late 1999 & the beginning of 2000, with the aim to satisfy women's urge to move... and my urge to rationalize. By Borut Savski
This is a n on-going repository of some of the typical soundtracks made with Cirkulino sequencer. The name suggests that it is part of the arduino paradigm. More on this we evolve elsewhere, but the musical complement is represented here. Started at the end of 2012, this album will go on into 2013.
Archives of the Intermediate Spaces festival 2006 - a two times international artists exchange (in Graz / Austria and Ljubljana / Slovenia). In Graz Intermediate Spaces took place in ESC gallery and in LJubljana in Kapelica gallery.

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