Herman & Savski - Vračnica in bali / Novokomponirane slovenske ljudske Audio Video > Music (viewed: 25849)
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Title: Vračnica in bali / Newly composed slovene folk songs II
Authors: Borut Savski, Bogdana Herman
Year: 2016, 2017
Production: both authors in coproduction with Cirkulacija 2 and Trivia Art
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In 2010 Bogdana Herman and Borut Savski intiated the "Newly composed folk songs" project which resulted in seven public apearancesand a compilation cd. In 2016 we started a new round of Slovene new-folk songs. First results are here ...

Dramaturgy is based on ritualistc elements that are abundant in human traditions - they survived in folk traditions. Rekla, uganke, uroki, zagovori, molitvice - to so vse starodavni pripomočki samouravnavanja in usklajevanja z okolico/ z (neobvladljivim) zunanjim.

Plan and actions:
- first half of 2016: songs selec tion and arangment ideas
- july: rehearsals at Cirkulacija 2 in Ljubljana
- 4th Avgust 2016 at 20.15: first public rehearsal in Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana
- 15th September 2016 at 20.15: second public rehearsal at Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana
- 26th January 2017: third public rehearsal at Kino Šiška Ljubljana
- 20th July 2017: fourth public rehearsal at Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana

The principle of public rehearsals allows to change a lot the ritualistic approaches and the songs - to adapt and optimize the effects. The complete repertoir will be clear only after some of such rehearsals.

Our approach is a synthesis of experimental sound and folk songs: something that for the majority of people seems artificial and abstract - and something that seems natural and easy to understand. Often we bump to the borders of understanding what is music and what is not music. And, of course, what is an instrument and what it is not. 

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