Bogdana Herman Borut Savski - Newly-composed Slovene Folk Songs (viewed: 69419)
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Basic Information:

Title: Newly-Composed Slovene Folk Songs
Artists: Bogdana Herman and Borut Savski
Years of production: 2010 and 2011
Description: Selection of recordings from four concerts in the years of 2010 and 2011
Sound postproduction: Iztok Zupan
Production: Trivia Art Association 2011
Project web page:

Bogdana Herman + Borut Savski - Po morju plava barcica (00:04:58) Download
Bogdana Herman + Borut Savski - Lahkoživčeve sanje (00:08:13) Download
Bogdana Herman + Borut Savski - Rezijanska Lepa Vida (00:06:59) Download
Bogdana Herman + Borut Savski - Ljudske izštevanke (00:08:56) Download
Bogdana Herman + Borut Savski - Moj fantic je na T'rolsko vand (00:03:13) Download
Bogdana Herman + Borut Savski - Poljska kraljica (00:10:20) Download

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About the project:

The selection of so-called newly composed experimental Slovene folk songs is not music archeology but contemporary use of folk songs patterns. We creatively approach especially the “drama” of folk songs, mostly defined by the lyrics and rythmics. The rythmics is simple but as repetitive ostinato it produces tension. The melodics is in the function of the previous two. The sound - as we use it - seems to be the most remote from the folk tradition, but becomes a part of drama - when it adds on its own.

Recordings are from the concerts at Sajeta festival in Tolmin/ Slovenia (28.7.2010), at the Navje park in Ljubljana/ Slovenia - as part of project by Zvonka Simčič Vseenje (\'All is one; All is same\'; 27.8.2010), at the Union Cafe in Ljubljana as one of the evenings of Pripovedovalski variete (18.2.2011) and at  Kazemate Gallery in Ljubljanski grad (Ljubljana Castle) as part of series of Bogdana Herman\'s events (16.9.2011).

Bogdana Herman as singer has been for a long time the keeper of the Slovene folk tradition, but less known are her excursions into avantgarde forms, that were not just a few. Borut Savski is also known for his innovative approaches - in music and elsewhere. They came together with the aim to do some new-compositioning in 2010.

All songs are traditional.

1, 5: Slovenske ljudske pesmi (Slovene folk songs), Mladinska knjiga v Ljubljani, 1961,
knjižnica Kondor, št. 41;
2, 6: dr. Zmaga Kumer osebno (received personally from dr. Zmaga Kumer)
4: Pavle Merkù, Ljudsko izročilo Slovencev v Italiji (Folk tradition of Slovenes in Italy), zbrano v letih 1965 – 1974, ZTT, Trst 1976

The photos from the concerts are by following authors: Nataša Pust (leaflet - left; inlay inside; Navje, august 2010), Aleš Nanut (leaflet right; galerija Zbilje, september 2010), Katarina Juvančič (booklet; Union Cafe, Pripovedovalski variete, februar 2011), Milan Kristl (booklet; Kazemate, Ljubljanski grad, september 2011).

The production is part of Trivia Records Zapisi publishing project. Some translations and new songs will be added as we go along.

In the years of 2010 and 2011 the Newly Composed Slovene Folk Songs project received support from the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia.