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March, 2010

Trivia Records/ Zapisi at Tresk#1 festival

TreskTriviaRec_StojnicaNetlabel/ archiver Trivia Records/ Zapisi at the festival of music publishers Tresk#1 organized by Radio Student on 11th and 12th march 2010 presents its production. Among new there is some old stuff: a bigger pack of sound archives of Ministry of Experiment recordings from 1998, the second half of the Intermediate Spaces festival from 2006, and some newer electronic projects.

Ministry of Experiment was a very active initiative in the years 1997 to 2000 functioning over the edge of Radio Student. A vast set of sound archives is from the net streaming events in 1998, when the international intermedia fever was at its peak.

Added is a quick overviewover the above production, that was prepared by Borut Savski in 2008 for broadcasts and netcats of Radia Cona.

The Intermediate Spaces festival from 2006 was in some ways the continuation of similar efforts for self-production and self-organization. It took place in two locations consecutively: Graz / Austria and in Ljubljana / Slovenia, and this time we publish some in sound improvisations from events in Graz.

The sequel of the Brothers Karamazov – Made in China dance performance by Mateja Bučar (DUM production, 2007 / 2008) resulted in larger amounts of scenic music. Even with no post-production we present it as a net album entitled Borut Savski: Sisters K – Made in China.

As announced before, we slowly add some electronic projects, connected with art production. First is a device, developed for the project of dancing balloons by Vadim Fishkin entitled Tour de l’air.

The second is called Analogic generator of events and is a part of robots and other moving mechanicms, that have lately been built by Borut Savski (Bowlful of Sound and Strained Structures).


Novičnik za samozaposlene v kulturi je na Ministrstvo za kulturo poslal pobudo o uskladitvi dnevnega nadomestila za čas zadržanosti od dela zaradi bolezni ter predloge za izboljšavo dnevnega nadomestila v korist samozaposlenih v kulturi.
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Novičnik za samozaposlene v kulturi je na Ministrstvo za kulturo poslal pobudo o uskladitvi dnevnega nadomestila za čas zadržanosti od dela zaradi bolezni ter predloge za izboljšavo dnevnega nadomestila v korist samozaposlenih v kulturi.
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logo-majPreberite si odgovore na pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o Novičniku, oglejte si primerek kazala in se prepričajte, kako so naročniki zadovoljni z Novičnikom!
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    Trivia Records Zapisi

    • Summer Songs, drugi projekt dua The Silent Movies, je umetniško okolje, sestavljeno iz vrste virov vizualnih, zvočnih in verbalnih informacij, ki so med seboj odvisni. Deluje kot neskončen koncert, na katerem video instalacija, sestavljena iz serije nedavnih nemih filmov Francisca Tomsicha, zagotavlja grobo gradivo, rdeče niti in digitalne podatke zvočnemu ekosistemu Boruta Savskega..
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    • Celjska interdisciplinarna impro zasedba s projektnim imenom Umoblodnica v sestavi: Iva Tratnik, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Estela Žutić, Simon Macuh, Dalibor Bori Zupančič, Borut Peternelj – Amper-o-mat. Posnetek nastopa 20. maja 2021 Cirkulaciji 2 | podhod Ajdovščina.
    • Generative algorithmic composition excerpts based on realtime video data for Francisco Tomsich "ELEGIJA | ELEGY" video installation presented from 10th to 21st July 2020 at Cirkulacija 2 Ljubljana Slovenia. Elegija (Elegy) is a mournful song performed by ensemble of video installations, sculptures and sound installation – made specifically for Cirkulacija 2 premises in Ajdovščina subway.
    • Field recordings in air and water during the Cirkulacija 2 visit in Finland. The place of rest and contemplation was at Future Lake near Helsinki and the performance place was on Merikerho club/ ship in Helsinki harbor. Boštjan Leskovšek was using the underwater recordings as his instrument. Here it is as separate album.