Borut Savski - Turborebop Audio Video > Music (viewed: 61046, purchased: 2)
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Author: Borut Savski
Title: Turborebop
Year of production: 1999, 2000

Borut Savski - Turbo Hardbop (00:08:17) Download
Borut Savski - Turbo Drive (00:10:13) Download
Borut Savski - Turbo Rebop (00:10:10) Download
Borut Savski - Turbo Music (00:05:14) Download
Borut Savski - Turbo Happy (return) (00:07:26) Download

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About the music
The edition should be one of the more interesting historical records in the area of computer algoritmic music, since it transfers the aleatorical principals of contemporary music in the seemingly more popular area of techno music (the subtitle of the records is also "tehne" - written as Greek). In musical style it is very close to the roots of modern jazz - the bebop (»the moment when jazz reached the level of Beethoven«)... originally called »rebop«.

The pieces - by their virility and the energetic (also emotional) content - prove, that computers alone can make good music – if only the basic computational parameters are well programmed. Turborebop is not meant for the specialized public, but hopefully has wider potential.

All pieces were produced on AMIGA 500 accelerated computer, using random methods available in dr.T's (-> Emile Tobenfeld) KCS LEVELL II software (1992). Samples are 8 bit Amiga IFF.