Marija Mojca Pungerčar - Singer Audio Video > Music (viewed: 136610)
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Year: 2007
CD+ (Enhanced Music CD)
Total time: 16:53
Phonogram code: KUDT CD 002
Edition: 200
Each copy is numbered by the author.

List of compositions:
Marija Mojca Pungercar - Spin, Girl, Only Spin (00:02:5) Download
Marija Mojca Pungercar - Sing for Us, Katica! (00:02:45) Download
Marija Mojca Pungercar - There Stands a Green Linden Tree, It Has Not a Leaf (00:01:40) Download
Marija Mojca Pungercar - She is Happy Because She Will Die (00:01:58) Download
Marija Mojca Pungercar - So Jesus's Suffering Will Be Lightened (00:03:3) Download
Marija Mojca Pungercar - I Will Go Pray to the Three Kings (00:01:38) Download
Marija Mojca Pungercar - Singer, a sound recording of the art project (00:03:47) Download
Video: Closed Textile Factories in Slovenia (7:49) (00:00:0) Download

- Azil Bookstore
, Novi trg 2, Ljubljana
- Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana
- Gallery of Fine Arts Slovenj Gradec, Glavni trg 24, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
- Slovene Ethnographic Museum SEM, Metelkova str. 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Att: The price can a little distinguish in different shops.

Order and information:
+ 386 41 882 593

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About CD:
The CD Singer takes as its theme the tradition of textile production, from the time when clothes-making was a household handicraft to today\'s technological society, which has witnessed the decline of the Slovene textile industry and clothes-making traditions.

- "I really enjoyed her devoted singing not just from the perspective that I know her, but because during the time of listening I’ve sensed somehow, something of the simplicity that we have lost in digital age..." (Personal Cyber Botanica,, 12. 2008)

Mario Batelič, Radio Študent, Tolpa bumov, January 2008
- Darinko Kores Jacks, Večer, 29. 3. 2008
- Tea Hvala, spletna stran knjigarne Azil, 2008
- Mateja Kos, Delo, 22. 11. 2007, page 15

On radio:
Val 202, Telstar, 10. 3. 2008
- Val 202, Na piedestal z Jolando, 13. 2. 2008
- Radio Študent, Tolpa bumov, 20. 1. 2008
- Radio Cona, 1. - 8. 1. 2008
- Radio Ognjišče, "Slovenc Slovenca vabi", 12. 1. 2008

In libraries, archives:
- Center for Contemporary Arts SCCA - Ljubljana
- Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana
- Slovene Ethnographic Museum SEM, Ljubljana
- SAZAS, Slovenia

Home website of the Singer project


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