Zvonka T Simčič - Nove alegorije Audio Video (viewed: 462144)
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author: Zvonka T Simčič
programming and consultation: Borut Savski
paritcipants:  Mitja Osolnik, Zvonka T Simčič, Valentina Praprotnik, Katarina Živec, Borut Savski
theoretical-critical-activistic platform: Tanja Rener, Tatjana Greif
sound track 1:  Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana: 23.10.2008
sound track 2: KID Kibla, Maribor: 5.11.2008
video track:  Tanja Rener about the situation of single parent families
genre: performance

production: Zavod CCC (Zavod za medijsko umetnost in projekte družbenega raziskovanja | CrossCommunityCreation Institute)
co-production:  Kapelica Gallery Ljubljana
year of production: 2008
copyright:  Zvonka T Simčič

Zvonka T Simčič - sound track: Nove alegorije - Live at Kapelica 23.10.2008 (00:21:42) Download
Zvonka T Simčič - sound track: Nove alegorije - Live at Kibla 05.11.2008 (00:21:7) Download
video track: Tanja Rener in Zvonka T Simčič (00:14:39) Download

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About the project

What happens when a single woman decides to have a child with artificial insemination - in spite of state forbidding it. What is the position of single parent family in contemporary society? How to survive as a single mother or an artist - in the embrace of the state?

Premiered in  Kapelica gallery Ljubljana on 23. oktobra 2008 at 19.00
First rerun: KID Kibla, Maribor: 05.11.2008 ob 20.30 uri
Second rerun: MKC Medvode 05.12.2008 ob 21.00 uri

Concept and organisation: Zvonka T Simčič
Programming and consultation: Borut Savski
Performers: Mitja Osolnik / vokal; Zvonka T Simčič / didgeredoo, kaoss, video; Valentina Praprotnik, Katarina Živec / didgeredoo; Borut Savski / VJ-ing

Theoretical-critical-activist platform: Tanja Rener, Tatjana Greif.

Special thanks to Tanja Rener, Tatjana Greif, Nada Žgank, Katarina Višnar, Justina Simčič, Ksenja Jus, Marina Gržinić, Bahet Kouraishi, Lili Anamarija No, Melita Goljevšek, Anja Ilc, Jurij Krpan and to Kapelica gallery.

Project was supported by: Ministry of culture of Republic of  Slovenia, City of Ljubljana and Municipality of  Medvode.

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