Marija Mojca PungerĨar - Play Your City Products > Hard (viewed: 40413, purchased: 1)
Price: 25.00

A multipurpose art work (graphic art / art print, table cloth, social game), the serial of three art prints (PYC - Existential, PYC - International, PYC - Rural)

Year: 1996
Technique: silk print on PVC folia
Signed on back.
Dimensions: 150 cm x 150 cm, playground 60 cm x 60 cm
Maintenance: dry or wet wiping

Sale edition: 8 numbered and signed sets with 3 prints (or 24 single prints)
Price: 66 eur (set of three prints), 25 eur (single print)

The bigger photos of prints:

- PYC - Existential (157 Kb)

- PYC - International (189 Kb)

- PYC - Rural (182 Kb)


Graphic design: Sanja Simic
Photos of locations: Mojca Janzelj
Photo: Miha Skerlep

The printed text’s excerpts:

PYC - Existential:
Housing Company: You've chosen a dead end (go back)
Immigration Office: High blood pressure zone (go back three squares)

PYC - International:
Interspar: Save and Crave (miss a go)
Irish Pub: Your round, your honor (wait on square no. 6)

PYC - Rural:
Agrotehnika: A rotovator in every elevator (go forward two squares)
Farmer's market: The tastiest spuds are grown by my mom (jump this square)


English translation: Amidas

About the work:
The graphic prints / table cloths / game Play Your City has been designed in three variants: Rural, International, and Existential. They represents three aspects, or faces of the city Ljubljana. The base of the playground is the map of Ljubljana, with inserted photos of many different locations, equipped with humorous slogans and playing instructions. The rural aspect is represented by the farmer’s market, the restaurants with traditional food etc. The international aspect is represented by the china restaurant, the Irish pub, the shop with imported goods etc. The existential aspect is represented by the hostel for temporary workers, the immigration office etc. For playing you need a square and some different buttons e. g. beans, peas etc. (not included).

- 2001, An Eye and its Truth, Museum of Modern Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 1997, You Are Here, Artscape 1997, Maryland Art Place, Baltimore, USA
- 1997: Play Your City, Gallery Karas Showplace, Zagreb, Croatia
- 1996: Play Your City, Skuc Gallery, Ljubljana , Slovenia (photo: Miha Fras)

- 2008, New Year auction, Simulaker gallery, Novo mesto, Slovenia, (photo: Bostjan Pucelj)

- Alenka Pirman, Play Your City, Annual catalogue of Skuc gallery, 1996, pp. 42 – 45

Interviews and critiques:
- Alenka Pirman, Marija Mojca Pungercar: Play Your City, The Sculpture, vol. 16, No. 2, Feb. 1997, pp. 68 – 70
- Slavica Borka Kucler, Vse, kar potrebujem, nosim s seboj, Marija Mojca Pungercar, avtorica razstave Play Your City v Galeriji Skuc, Slovenec, No. 238, 24. October 1996, p. 2
- Dina Puhovski, Covjece, naljuti se, Vijenac, Zagreb, No. 92/V, 17. 7. 1997

As the inspiration:
Wes Eichenwald, Phrasebook An alternative Slovene-English phrasebook

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