Borut Savski - Midi Conversions - Midi2Happy Audio Video > Music (viewed: 74949)
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Titile: Midi Conversions - Midi2Happy
Author: Borut Savski
Year of production: 1997 / 1998

Borut Savski - Midi2Happy - Soft (00:02:59) Download
Borut Savski - Midi2Happy - Bells (00:03:3) Download
Borut Savski - Midi2Happy - Hard (00:07:27) Download
Borut Savski - Midi2Happy - Carribean (00:03:57) Download
Borut Savski - Midi2Happy - African (00:03:48) Download

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Midi Conversions is a series of algoritmic studies made on Amiga computer. Midi2Happy are five examples of such minimalist approach - all made out of the same basic computing organism using different sound samples. Some are native 8 bit Amiga, some are 16 bit PC. A kind of "the best of"...