Marija Mojca Pungerčar - The Special Offer Bag Products > Hard (viewed: 39902, purchased: 26)
Price: 4.00

Year: 2005
Size: 38 cm x 40 cm x 13 cm
Material: PVC, cardboard
Edition: 300

This multipurpose product has been part of the art project Special Offer, an one-time, one-day-only art event from 2005, which included an installation and socializing in an abandoned photography store at Trzaska street in Ljubljana. A photo album / catalogue is designed in the form of a practical shopping bag. It was custom-made gift for the visitors of art event in an abandoned photography store at Trzaska street in Ljubljana. The bag has been decorated with four photos of Tržaška Street, inserted in transparent pockets.

You can later change the photos with your family photos and to personify your shopping this way.
- By request at the author, with a payment at delivery. Order and information: + 386 41 882 593,

- Special Offer, an abandoned store, Trzaska street, Ljubljana, 2005
- Stereo-Visions, P74 Center and Gallery, Ljubljana, 2005

In catalogue:
- 27th Biennial of Graphic Arts, International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC), Ljubljana, 2007

In essay:
- Petja Grafenauer Krnc, "Prijazne strategije upora umetnice in umetnika", Časopis za kritiko znanosti, 2006, št. 223, pp. 65 – 72

At the users:
- The Shoppers (the Special Offer project's gallery)

The Special Offer home website

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