Stereovizije, fotografski projekt, 2005
O projektu
V projektu Stereovizije se ukvarjam s prostori, povezanimi z mojim otroštvom in krajem Mirna Peč, od koder izviram. Gre za zgodbo o spremembah, ki so se v tem prostoru zgodile v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih. V projektu se sprašujem, kaj se je zgodilo s prostori mojega otroštva in v kaj se spreminja slovensko podeželje.
Spremembe odkrivam z vzporejanjem preteklosti in sedanjosti. Preteklost zastopajo fotografski posnetki, ki jih je v šestdesetih in sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja ob različnih priložnostih posnel moj oče, Leopold Pungerčar starejši. Sedanjost zastopajo moji posnetki istih lokacij.
Izbrala sem 16 različnih fotografij, ki jih je moj oče posnel v šestdesetih in sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. Izbrane lokacije iz fotografij sem oktobra in novembra 2005 obiskala in jih z istim fotoaparatom ponovno fotografirala. Očetove in svoje posnetke sem uredila v kompozicije, ki spominjajo na stereoskopske podobe iz zgodnjih časov fotografije.
Fotografije sem uredila v dve seriji, ki se med sabo ločita glede na spremembe lokacij:
1) Vransko in Trebnje (Prvotni lokaciji sta se popolnoma spremenili.) Prizora v tej seriji se nanašata na moje otroštvo. Ena fotografija je bila posneta v Trebnjem, druga na Vranskem. Obe fotografiji sta nastali okrog leta 1974. V obeh primerih je sodobna infrastruktura zelo spremenila lokalno topografijo, oziroma je prvotne prostore dobesedno izbrisala. Oba "čustvena" prostora sta danes podobna kateremu koli drugemu kraju.
2) Mirna Peč (Prvotne lokacije so se le malo spremenile.) Izbrane fotografije imajo pomen za lokalno zgodovino Mirne Peči. Izbrala sem predvsem neobljudene posnetke, tiste, ki prikazujejo arhitekturo, uporabno in simbolno infrastrukturo, skratka stvari, ki so bile pomembne za skupnost. Mirna Peč doslej še ni pretrpela radikalnih sprememb; še čaka na napredek. Nekatere hiše so porušili, druge na novo zgradili. Ceste so dobile asfalt in povečan promet. Na nekaterih slikah pa so tudi ljudje. V teh primerih so na slikah dejavnosti in običaji, ki so že izumrli.
Osebni in družinski spomin v tem projektu obravnavam v kontekstu zgodovine lokalne skupnosti, ki jo je ohranila očetova fotografska strast.
Naslov projekta hkrati označuje, da gre za dva pogleda dveh avtorjev na isti prizor oz. dogodek. V soočenju dveh časov istega prostora se razkriva njegova zgodba, ki je hkrati tudi zgodba o slovenskem podeželju v postruralni tranziciji.
Projekt se predstavlja na dva načina: - spletni arhiv (dela na spletu) > - razstava
Seznam razstav: - "Prekinjene zgodovine", Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, 14. 03. - 28. 05. 2006 - "Stereovizije", samostojna razstava, Center in Galerija P74, Ljubljana, 13. 12. - 23. 12. 2005
- Pri fotografiranju sem uporabila stari očetov Olympus. Oče se je ob tej priložnosti prvič ločil njega.
- V fotografskem opusu mojega očeta so bogato zastopani tudi manj "pomembni" motivi, t. j. dela, ki niso nastala po naročilu. Cestni ovinek ali domače dvorišče je npr. fotografiral večkrat v različnih obdobjih.
- Moj oče je rad fotografiral tako, da je stal sredi ceste. Ker je danes na cestah precej več prometa kot pred 40 leti, sem morala pri iskanju pravega kadra kar naprej bežati pred avtomobili.
Marija Mojca Pungerčar |
Stereo-Visions, photographic project, 2005
About the project
In Stereo-Visions project I focus on places that are related to my childhood and to my birthplace Mirna Peč village. The story is about the changes that have occurred in these spaces over the last few decades. The project speculates about what has happened to the places from my childhood and what the Slovene countryside is turning into.
I gauge the changes by comparing the past and the present. Representing the past are the photographs my father, Leopold Pungerčar Sr., took on various occasions in the 1960s and 1970s. My own photographs of the exact same locations represent the present.
I revisited the selected sites from my father’s shots between October and November 2005 and photographed them again, using the same camera. I have arranged my father’s and my own shots into compositions reminiscent of stereoscopic images from the early days of photography.
I edited photographs in two photo serials that differentiate with regard to location's changes:
1) Vransko and Trebnje (Primary locations have changed beyond recognition.) In this serial are two autobiographic scenes from my childhood. One photo was shot at Trebnje town, other on at Vransko. Both of them originate in approx. 1974. In both cases have contemporary infrastructure changed the local topography a lot, they have been literally razed. Both of "emotional" places look now similar to any other place.
2) Mirna Peč (Primary locations have changed only a little.) At the photographs of my home village Mirna Peč are locally important objects, locations and events. Radical changes did not happened yet to this village, it has been waiting for progress. Some houses were pulled down, but others are new. Streets have got asphalt cover and traffic. Some of this spaces are populated, though. In this cases phostos show deserted activities and customs.
In this project I handle my personal and family memory in the context of the history of the local community that has been preserved by photographic passion of my father.
The title of the project moreover indicates that these are the views of two artists of the same scene or event. Juxtaposing the two points in time of the same place reveals the story of the place, which is at the same time the story of the Slovene countryside in post-rural transition. With the advent of highways and other contemporary infrastructure the countryside is beginning to disappear, as the lines dividing it from the town become blurry.
Project can be presented in two ways: - web archive (works on internet) > - exhibitions
Exhibitions: - "Interrupted Histories", Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 14. 03. - 28. 05. 2006 - "Stereo-Visions", solo show, P74 Center and Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13. 12. - 23. 12. 2005
Trivial Facts
- In this project I used the old Father's Olympus camera. This was the first time that my father separated from it...
- The photographic opus of my father has been rich with "less important" motives e.g. uncomercial works. He photographed for example the same street detour or house backyard in different times.
- My father liked to shot standing in the middle of street. 40 years later, when I was locating exact clips, I had to run away a lot, because the traffic has been increased.
Marija Mojca Pungercar |