

esej o projektu
essay about project


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fotografije & zgodbe
photos & stories


Marija Mojca Pungerar

video & zgodbe
video & stories

Projekt sestavljajo:
-Serija 22 fotografij viine 31 cm in razlinih dolin (od 79 - 319 cm)
-Video: 16 min, DVD, stereo
-Spremljevalna publikacija v velikosti 7 x 7 cm, 26 strani, rno-bele fotografije in esej avtorice

The project is consisting of:

-The serial of 22 photographs of next dimensions:
hight 31 cm, various lenght (from 79 cm to 319 cm)

-Video: 16 min, DVD, stereo

-The supplemental publication: dimension 7 x 7 cm, 26 pages, black-white photographs and author’s essay.

Projekt na razstavi Nikjer je najlepe, Mestna galerija Ljubljana, 27. 1.  - 28. 2. 2010

The project on the exhibition  Nikjer je najlepe, City Art Museum Ljubljana, Slovenia, 27. 1.  - 28. 2. 2010

Projekt na raziskovalni delavnici

 The project in the at the research workshop SHADOWING THE CITY: HYPERTEXTUALITY OF OURBAN SPACES, Zagreb, Croatia, 9. - 10. 5. 2009

Projekt na razstavi Another City. Another Life, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Varava, Poljska, 2008

The project on the exhibition Another City. Another Life, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland, 2008

Projekt (umetnika knjiga) na razstavi Raziskovalci, Silberraum, Schute (Maknete), Hamburg, Nemija, 2008

The project (art book) on the exhibition Researchers / Forscher, Silberraum, Schute (Maknete), Hambur, Germany, 2008

Projekt v zbirki Moderne galerije Ljubljana
Izbrana dela iz projekta Pred domaim pragom so uvrena v nacionalno zbirko (fotografija) Moderne galerije Ljubljana, 2006

The project in the Collection of Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana,
The selected works from the Outside my Door project have been included in the national collection (Photography) of the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana, 2006

Projekt v knjigi Leap into the City
Projekt Pred domaim pragom je samostojno predstavljen na tirih straneh v kjigi "
Leap into the City, Cultural Positions, Political Conditions. Seven Scenes form Europe" (v okviru projekta relations, DuMond Literatur in Kunst Verlag, Nemija, feb. 2006).

The project in the Leap into the City book
The Outside My Door project has been published at four pages in the book "
Leap into the City, Cultural Positions, Political Conditions. Seven Scenes form Europe" (A book by relations, a project iniciated by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, DuMond Literatur in Kunst Verlag, Germany, Feb. 2006).


Teritoriji, identitete, mree (Slovenska umetnost 1995 - 2005) / Territories, Identities, Nets (Slovene Art 1995 - 2005),
Moderna galerija, Ljubljana / Museum of Modern Arts Ljubljana,  Slovenia, 9. 8. - 1. 11. 2005
poveaj /close up


Center in Galerija P74 / Center and Gallery P74,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9. 11. – 27. 11. 2004
poveaj /close up


Foto /Photo: Marija Mojca Pungerar, Dejan Habicht (Moderna galerija Ljubljana / Courtesy of Museum of Modern Arts Ljubljana)

2004 © Marija Mojca Pungerar