2. 12. 2001 - 1. 8. 2004
Nekdaj je tu stala stanovanjska hia. Lastnik pizzerije jo je kupil in podrl, da je lahko naredil parkirie za svoje stranke. Zato pravi, da je to najdraje parkirie v Ljubljani. K pizzeriji je dozidal pokriti vrt. Ob neki prilonosti je naju s sosedo vpraal, kaj naj v tem vrtu naredi za stranke, kaj bi v soseski rabili. Predlagali sva »pasjo« mizo, kamor bi lahko prili posedet tudi ljudje s psi. Vendar je ni naredil.
fotografije & zgodba
PIZZERIA 2 December 2001 – 1 August 2004
There used to be a residential house here. The owner of the pizzeria bought it and tore it down so he could make a parking lot for his customers. That’s why people say this is the most expensive parking lot in Ljubljana. The owner added a covered terrace to the pizzeria. On one occasion, he asked a friend and me: What should he put on this terrace for his customers, what did the neighborhood need? We suggested a “doggy table,” where people could come and sit with their dogs. But he didn’t take our suggestion.
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