V projektu Pred domaim pragom se ukvarjam z dokumentiranjem sprememb v okolju, v katerem ivim.
Lokacija: predmestje Grba (obmoje med Viem, Rono dolino in Vrhovci v Ljubljani, Slovenija.
Trajanje: januar 2001 - avgust 2004 - se nadaljuje.
O projektu:
Domao sosesko sem med januarjem 2001 in avgustom 2004 fotografirala na vsakodnevnih sprehodih s psom. Mojo pozornost je pritegnilo 22 razlinih lokacij. Redno sem jih fotografirala v razlino dolgih asovnih intervalih. Ob fotografiranju sem si zapisovala tudi zgodbe teh prizori, oziroma tisto, kar me je na njih pritegnilo. Tako sem zabeleila del lokalne zgodovine te soseske v asu, ko se ta pospeeno spreminja iz delavskega predmestja v luksuzno naselje. ve |
In the project Outside my door I document the changes in the neighbourhood where I live.
Location: the Grba neighborhood (the area between Vi, Rona dolina and Vrhovci neighbourhoods in Ljubljana, Slovenija.
Duration: January 2001 - August 2004 - ongoing.
About the project:
Between January 2001 and August 2004 I have been documenting my local neighbourhood on my daily rounds with my dog. I have frequented 22 different neighbourhood locations and regularly recorded them through different time intervals. Next to taking photographs I have been also puting down the stories of this locations. On this way I have recorded the part of a local history of this neighbourhood in the time when the area has been rapidly changing from the predominantly a working-class neighborhood into a bourgeois luxury suburb. more |