Marija Mojca Pungerčar: MOJA DEKCA | MY LITTLE BLANKET |
Stereovizije | Mojca |Trivia |
Center in Galerija P74 | P74 Center and Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenija |
13. 12. - 23. 12. 2005 |
Akcija MOJA DEKCA V času trajanja moje razstave Stereovizije sem v galeriji zbirala odeje in druge tople materiale za pse v zavetišču. Akcija je trajala deset dni.
Obiskovalci so v času trajanja razstave prispevali 17 odej in en kovtr.
Prispevke sem v spremstvu novinarke in fotografa Dela podarila Zavetišču Gmajnice. |
MY LITTLE BLANKET Action During my exhibition Stereo-Visions I was collecting in the gallery used blankets for dogs in city shelter. I run the action fo ten days.
Visitors donated 17 blankets and one quilt.
I donated them to Gmajnice Animal Shelter. "Delo" newspaper documented this action. |
Billy, na svojem. Billy, on his own place.
Foto | Photo: Marija Mojca Pungerčar
2005 (C) Marija Mojca Pungerčar
ZAKAJ? Ker je bila letos izredno dolga in mrzla zima. Ker mnoge pse zebe. Ker si ne morejo sami pomagati. Ker lahko pomagamo. Gre pa tudi za vprašanje teritorija...
WHY? Because it has been very long and cold winter this year. Because alot of dogs are freezing. Because they cannot help themself. Because we can help. It is about teritory too... |