projects by BSavski

sound objects...
in concert...

borut's gallery
As my projects become more and more documented, it is practical to include more comprehensive series of photos from various areas (I do concepts & concerts!).
It starts with concerts that I do occasionally, some other types of performances, installations and machines that I build. This should be a kind of live archive - a blog of a sort.

The php script of this gallery generator is available as open source and free software at it was based on other people's work also...

2nd October to 10th November 2007 I spent in Istanbul, at new SantralIstanbul campus of Bilgi University. There I started work o0n a sort of dynamic video reflector. As we know, video projections are made to project a flat image. For artistic purposes I prefer a reflected image - thrown all over the place. To achieve this a kind of flexible highly reflecting area is needed. Now it is polished aluminium in a sort of a "lamp"-like structure. I hope I will soon be able to add some squeezing internal mechanism.

21st December 2005, one-day long sound installation Distributed body at Mala galerija in Ljubljana (part of the one-month of events called Oscillations). Two computers playing algorithms made in Pure Data and a number of interconnections (audio feedback, midi-control, contact-sensors,...).

Totem and Tabu (Robot Totem by Stefan Doepner, Electric Jesus 2 and Bowlfuls of Sound by B. Savski). Presented at Kapelica gallery in Ljubljana, 29th November 2005.

Electric Jesus 2 as briefly installed at Kodeljevo Castle for an occasion of a performance by Neven Korda, 28th June 2005. Based on ideas that came together for my lecture/workshop/performance one year ago at the Zacheta Gallery in Warszawa / Poland.

Eye = I. Performance on 20th April 2005, P74 gallery, Ljubljana Šentvid
//first version of performance in september 2004 at Merano, Italy. Topics = questions: what is "I", the "body" of a concept = the conceptual body, the idea of "distributed Self", what builds up an "identity",... These questions relate to all of the above and below....

Concert in Kapelica Gallery (April 2005) is not yet documented (for sound recording check here). The photo is from performance in KUD France Prešern in February 2005.

The building of Dancer. An installation at Kapelica Gallery (February to April 2005).

The building of Oracle. An interactive object/ installation presented first at Kiberpipa, Ljubljana (December, January 2005).

The building of The Round Table. An object/ instrument built for a performance at Kunstradio radio show @ ORF, Austria (June 2002 ???).