The Statelet Itinerary
slovensko I current

Itinerary of the Second Turn on the Spherical Spiral of Time: May 1997 – February 2000

New generation was growing up and already everything was changing. Contemporary schooled young Scarecrowians took serious the thought of thinker Pascal that the best foundation is human stupidity. They knew that it was better built on foreign foolishness than on them own. So they began to imitate human beings more and more. They gave up the orthodox celebration of relics mysteries from the first period, which had given us an assurance that events had appeared in proper natural way. Youth chose them own way. As we should see, this had unpredictable consequence. But let us went step by step.

Milena Kosec unveiled the new monument 'The brood mare on colt' in Park Zvezda, Ljubljana (MD98).

We got two new publications:

Scarecrowian got opportunity to explore universe. Well known artist Marko Peljhan succesefully launched the rocket MONOLIT (June 1998) for the purpose of the Pocket-sized State of Scarecrows.

A lot of other less important
events were going on.
The most important diplomatic activity was resumption of diplomatic relations with Kingdom Ergaland-Vargaland (May 99, Ljubljana). We exchanged The Statelet Chronicle publications.

Scarecrowian explored history of female and male principle on base of old object from the last 100 years. The results were exhibited Woman Room (FM 97) and Man Room (MM97/98) in the prison at Metelkova, Ljubljana.

Meantime the parallel process of Statelet Scarecrow transformation was going on. For beginning artist Rene Rusjan divided Statelet territory in two parts. Later Nebojša Ivanovič disbanded Statelet (MM99/00). So the second spiral turn ended.

After that officially authorized and initiated trustee Milena Kosec was appointed for professional artist.

Created by mk March 2007