The Statelet Chronicle
slovensko I current I

The Pocket-sized State Of Scarecrows

Contents Of Our Time.

The wishes and duties to be a conscious scarecrow-(wo)men:
Refuse is garbage and/or
garbage is refuse.

The Pocket-sized State Chronicle

Working draft given to honorary (wo)man citizens to try it. Instruction to use: Cut out the eatable parts, mix up in your own way and add fresh home salad. Nicely arrange all together over xerox. Do more copies. Leave it for couple of days to become well mellow. Add a pinch of your own salt and serve to your friends and to yourself. Beside offer mountain spring water from the Karst or clear wine from the Dolenjska region.

The chronicle is written between two turning on the time spiral, in timeless, when the Pocket-sized State is composting, by Milena Kosec, as she has been experiencing and experienced it.

P.S. Don’t forget to throw rests on the Pocket-size State compost.

Vegetable Garden,
Villa Catherine,
10 To Hill St.,
Flower Valley
Ljubljana, Slovenia


The Pocket-size State Of Scarecrows was established in the loss of nowadays time-space as a process of purification. The way of working is naive.

Scarecrows asked themselves : "The State? What could it be ?" in bissextile year, in the turbulent, stormy geopolitical changes in Europe and in the other parts of the world.

Scarecrows decided to have a government which has the same form as the land shape of the scarecrows (for better understanding look the shape of Slovenia), due to problem extension and to avoid disharmony between wishes and real chances. Harmonical, synchronic course of development of land shape and government form for this era is essential for them. As we know from geography, her natural shape is a square 3m x 3m outside and round inside with the highest peak A Black Hole. This shape stayed intact in the first four years of development.

The Pocket-size State's regulation on one side symbolises the wish for ideal and noble and on the other side it represents all the rigidity and burden of prepatterns. Her size gives her necessary adaptability and agility. She investigates practical influence of exploitation of chances (that means life) in exactly defined square-round space in spiral time of the four Pocket-size State’s festivals on her own development and the reflection on the surroundings (other States). Celebrations of holy-days are opening separate problems from different points of view: intimate, mutual, social-cultural and State. They are the process of the continuous farewell.

The Pocket-size State Of Scarecrows continually inspects and reviews the contents of her time with monkey-like precision, when they are picking insects from one another. In any given moment and space she is searching for new answers on always the same ever-lasting questions. It is a labour of Sisyphus searching out from the everyday labyrinth.

The four years period with four times repeated cycle of every year's births and deaths makes possible her continuous transformation in rotation around her own axis or in play at catching her own tail. At the same time she has with the luggage of acquired experiences, the chance of continuous climbing on the time spiral in the sequence of fertilising, birth, growth, maturing and death. It depends on her own and on the chances how she will weave her living pattern. Active and prompt interweaving of newly discovered threads enriches the pattern with new contents.

You understand.


At investigation of The Pocket-size State of Scarecrows we should not overlook two important facts, as all consequence of these two facts that the sounds or better said noise which scarecrows produce, we can hardly call an articulate speech and that scarecrows are limited in moving from place to place. Only in time of holy-days the carefully chosen could move to another place. So The Freedom Of Speech And Moving are real only on the declarative stage. From a rigorous scientific point of view there is no doubt about their sex. But what is the most important, from history of literature is commonly known and acknowledged the fact that they could think after the day when the first of them got a full had of pins (see: Magician from Ozz). Because of nature of scarecrows, which is in its sense funny, all the work the scarecrows wo(men) begin with all seriousness, is at the very beginning sentenced on a poor clownery and because they clearly see that and in deeply believe that it is different for people, they ask for help honorary wo(man) citizens.

For this period - first spiral line of time - it is typically the PVC

The first four years May 14, 1992 - February 14, 1996 .

bag culture. The period got the name because we could see all around the most developed globe primitive made scarecrows from PVC bags impalement on poles. The first four years period has run out in laugh, euphoria and confusion of ignorance. Experiences of this period are very important. They have showed: the smaller is a boat, more it is driven away by the stream of change.

List of the first authochtonal citizens in 1992:

1. Mothers and children Party: “Home, sweet home!”
2. Young believers party: “Follow the Symbol!”
3. Trade-union of clerks: “Give us the sleep we need!”
4. Society of criminals and criminal inspectors: “Unity makes strength!”
5. Religious institutions: “Thank you, God will pay you!”
6. Club of the cosmopolitan women: “Parley-vous francais, ich speak anglais.”
7. Chamber of businessmen: “We are the World”
8. Firemen’s Party: “Extinguished match”
9. Retired men’s Association: “Grey sparrow”
10. Cowgirl and stableman - posthumously
11. Female field-keeper Molly, economical assistance of the friendly Republic of China
12. Horror Chamber: “Fear has large eyes.”

The Spring Holy-days - Mystery of Birth

Who is a (wo)man citizen, what is a State?

The scarecrow-(wo)man citizens are made from garbage. Because of this incontestable fact we could immediately ask: “Is the State a stack of garbage?”. Refuse tells us a story about that (wo)man who reproduced a scarecrow-(wo)man citizen, about her/his habits, wishes, relation towards the world of objects, social-cultural status...
So the (wo)man citizen immediately shows her/his own inner-being and because of a full control over wo(man) citizens exists at every moment, she/he is effectively supervised. The Pocket-size State is in absolute command over its wo(man) citizens which enables her to be aware and conscious.
1992 - The Birth of the Pocket-size State of Scarecrows was urbi et orbi proclaimed on 14th May during the ethnological and newly designed scarecrows exhibition.
Scarecrows have decided that because of the increasing regardlessness of birds they must establish their own State in order to be more efficient in scaring birds.
They called themselves Scarecrow-(wo)men and so they defined their sex. They proclaimed the dilettante woman Milena Kosec for officially authorised and initiated trustee of The Pocket-size State (U.P.P.). They issued passports with scarecrow’s ID number for people - honorary citizens visiting their State and they secretly counted the autochthonal population. This complete control was taken over everything and everybody at the very beginning.
ABSOLUTE LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE is publicly proclaimed.
1993 - The Story continues.
1994 - “The enlistment of” new honorary citizens with the newest scanner of retina and the abolishing of classical passports. The scanner is fully controlled by U.P.P.
1995 - Holidays at the Arboretum Volčji Potok for young scarecrow-(wo)men.

The Summer Holy-Days - The Feminine Mysteries

Who is a woman, what is womanlike?
It tells us about the feminine hearkening to life, searching for closer contacts with the environment, the recognition of reality and mystery.
Emphasis stress is on distinction between women, wife, mother.
1992 it was the time when cultural, economic (scarecrow-woman Molly) and informal, secret diplomatic contacts with the usual States: Great Britain, China, Hungary, USA,...were established.

1993 - U.P.P. represented the Pocket-size State to the important Slovene men at that very moment.
The appearance of a Scarecrow-man, high Clerk and general in the Slovene cultural sphere supported by big capital (the WEST prize in Equrna).
1994 - Trying to establish diplomatic contacts with the complementary State.
Public Pilgrimage to the State’s Chapel Consecrated to Wisdom at Metelkova place.
The intimate exhibition “Me, Woman.” in Villa Katarina only for personal, separately inviting men.
Happening: The Pocket-size State of Scarecrows in your town - Black Cube in Park Zvezda (in the middle of the star) - a view in the infinity of the unknown. Priestesses: Lucija Grm, Bogdana Herman and Milena Kosec.
Newspaper “Novice Ptičjestrašilne”, No. 1 was published. The title for it and for official paper was designed by female sculptor Mrs. Anja Šmajdek.
1995 - Action Heartbeat, Biennial of Venice, Park Zvezda - U.P.P. ceremonially hearkened to the heart of accidentally passing-by. For the first time Scarecrow wo(men) had FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY.
The artist Jusuf cut his beard and offered it to U.P.P. while pre-group appearing on the stage before main performance “Prava reč” done by Theatre Gromki at Metelkova place.
The last letter to complementary Stateand extract of Death certificate from Register of dead people was sent after abortive spot test of establish diplomatic contacts.

The Autumnal holy-days - The Mystery of Death

How to bury the dead? Is it possible to do it at all?
Tidying up old used scarecrows is a revision of experience and a preparation for a new beginning. It is purrifying and bowing down to the death.
1992 - The State’s flag and diplomatic passport were made. The female artist named Wang Huiqin made the Great Seal. During the first year we consecrated on bowing directly to forerunner of the Pocket-size State of Scarecrows - ossified States: Reception for the Diplomatic Core was organised with the help of Europe (Coffee house EVROPA) and some Slovene artists. Mrs. Bogdana Herman sang for the Pocket-size State for the first time.
1993 - The Autumnal Tidying Up: Ceremonial burning of worn out scarecrow wo(men) with a ritual wording (Lucija Grm - the great master of ceremony, Milena Grm - priestess of darkness, Milena Kosec - priestess of life).
1994 - A monument to well-known foreign heroine Molly in the middle of Park Zvezda. Metropolitans - inhabitants of Ljubljana destroyed it on the seventh day and added “Kapital” to her.
1995 - The Pocked-size State of Scarecrows in Central Europe:
U.P.P. sprinkled and put things in front of open coffins of the complementary State “Kropitvena položenka ” in the Museum Muscarnok, Budapest.
Offering and accepting of “Skrinja sočasne todobne zaveze” (the Synchronic, this Era Ark of the Convenant) at the Museum MAK, Vienna.
U.P.P. offered her own, the most favourite refuse in The Pocked-size State’s Chapel consecrated to Wisdom and Chastity at Metelkova place.
The Monument to the complementary State “You are from refuse and you will turn to garbage” in the Park Zvezda.
For this event special passports for single entry into the Pocket-size State and Europe and “Novice Ptičjestrašilne”, No. 2 were issued. THE LIBERTY OF WITHDRAWAL was publicly proclaimed.
Mrs. Bogdana Herman got The Honorary title of female artist in the Pocket-size State.

The Winter holy-days - The Masculine Mysteries

Who is a man, what is manlike? Who is the other, what is dissimilar? What kind of others we wish, need, accept? This is the time of (re)cogitating devilish darkness and searching for a new light, the time of theoretical explanation of the sense of dissimilarity between the Pocket-size State and others and the time of fertilising with the new. This is the awakening of the Mythical Moment when chaos changes again to cosmos for new time-space.
1992/1993 - Celebration of midwinter solstice: Ideal Pocket-size State’s Shape, The region beyond the grave, The Temple consecrated to Young Sun and The Wall of Different Views on the exhibition in GT Art gallery. The Great Atlas and the first edition of newspaper “Novice Ptičjestrašilne”, No. 0 were published. THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS was publicly proclaimed.
1993/1994 - Wonder of miracle: “Snow on the Black Hole”. The Peak Black Hole was for the first and for the last time in Pocket-size State’s history naturally snowed.
1994/1995 The Pocket-size State organizes a competition for execution or performing of the Masculine Mysteries. The Pocket-size State’s Pillar Box for collecting suggestions was exposed at Metelkova place and in Passage Maximarket. One Pillar Box was stolen by two girls and another was full of emptiness. The Masculine Mysteries were secretly executed in closed men society.
1995/1996 The Masculine Mysteries - MM. The competition was re-organized and was very successful. “Novice Ptičjestrašilne”, No. 3 was published. The Pocket-size State’s Pillar Box was moved from one passage of the darkness to the light to the another passage and it was under full control. Rival Theatre GROMKI is selected for performing the end reconciliation play of the first four-year era: Deci - babe (scenery and direction by Andrej Morovič) for seven masculine girls and seven feminine boys. All actresses and actors are disguised as other sex.
On 14th February the play was performed for a solemn conclusion of the first Pocket-size State’s turn on the time spiral.


Writen by the female native Milena Kosec,
inicially authorised and initiated trustee of the Pocket-size State of Scarecrows
In Ljubljana, 29th February 1996
P.S. In timeless between February 14th and May 14th The Pocket-size State is composted. All included in it is boiling and crawling. The past events are crumbling and re-knitting in the undefined. The leading nest of blindworms have the complete control over the process.
